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Transforming your organisation for more efficient, flexible delivery while maximising available resources.

A happy professional business women checking Optime planning and secluding software on her phone
Trusted by leading organisations

Turning identified opportunity into reality through the management and delivery of change. Within a dedicated Project Management Framework, our dedicated team will effectively manage communication throughout to project to ensure all stakeholders feel part of the change and decision making process.

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Rationalisation, Decant and Optimisation of Estate Assets

Making the best use of existing Estate through efficient redistribution of resources in response to strategic change. Intelligent scenario planning and visualisation, programme management, stakeholder, change, move and communication management. A structured agile approach to effective project delivery ensuring optimisation of all processes, resources and assets.

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Better Educational Timetables for Students and Staff while Making Maximum Use of Facilities

Enhancing student and staff experience though delivering of high quality flexible institutional timetables. Analysis of current activity and pedagogical delivery patterns in terms of space usage, optionality, quality and availability for students. Recommendations on bottlenecks regarding timetabling process and data correctness. Scenario planning allowing visualising of alternative timetabling delivery patterns at either holistically or course level. Advise on transformation of timetabling function delivering maximum flexibility and quality of experience to students and staff.

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Maximising Efficiencies within Organisation Training Schedules

Analysis of existing delivery style and creation of future potential scenarios delivering against institutional strategy while making best use of available and planned resources. Creation and delivery of optimised timetables providing flexibility and quality of learning environment for trainers and instructors. Incorporating best practice and modern approaches within delivery patterns ensuring trainees and trainers are able to blend training with other aspects of their working requirements.

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The system is very simple and easy to use. EventMAP made migrating to Booker very easy and seamless.

Sam Dale
Business Manager, King's College Hospital Foundation Trust
Success Story
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